
Yearly Archives: 2016

These days everything appears to be ever more formulaic. Wherever we go as service consumers we are greeted (or confronted) by processes which are seemingly designed to delight us but in reality either annoy us or just leave us cold? When working with clients and students, I spend some time looking at service process analysis

In a recent blog – “How Strategy Really Works – My Three Cs” – I discussed my views about what makes good strategy. Understanding Customers, Beating Competitors and Being in Control. I thought that provided managers understood these three principles, the pathway to developing good strategies was clear. Understand the principles, develop your strategies around

As we move through January I thought I would think backwards rather than forwards, reflecting on one area of business that seems to have remained forever constant. The area? The relationship between sales and marketing – I can remember how difficult it was in the 1980s and 90s. In 2006, Philip Kotler, well known academic

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      Excellence in Business School Teaching, Insights and Recommendations

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        Excellence in Business School Teaching, Essentials

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